
Showing posts from August, 2021

Major Australian Place

 Good afternoon Year 3 parents. I trust that you are looking forward to our long weekend as much as me!! I had a few people mention that they needed a new planning sheet.  If you find that you need a new one, you can access it by clicking  here .  The plan can then be either printed or drawn on a blank piece of paper.   These plans are due back Wednesday 2nd September, so the kids have loads of time to work through the dot points.  Please note that we are just wanting notes, not full sentences for each dot point.  The reports will be written in class. Have fun and thanks for the ongoing support. Mr Mc

Week 6

Good afternoon parents Hopefully you have a lovely weekend and are excited about our short week this week!!  Just a few messages for this week:      Student Uniform     Dear Parents, the staff and admin will be paying particular attention to the students uniform and standard of dress from now on. This includes your child wearing the correct uniform on the correct day,  i.e.  only wearing  sport  uniform on  sport  days. This also includes wearing the correct socks and neat and tidy hairstyles. Please ensure you check your child before they attend school.    Seesaw     Thank you to those families that have connected to the  SeeSaw   families  app since the start of the term. If you need another copy of the link or code, please let me know and I can email it to you.    Homework   We have decided not to set specific spelling, mental maths and homework grid this week as it is a disr...

Week 4

Good afternoon parents Hopefully you have a lovely weekend and didn't get too wet at sport!!  As part of the Keeping Safe Program (Protective Behaviours), we are beginning to look at the concept of  public and private   in the coming weeks. This includes looking at public and private places and then will move into body parts. Students will be introduced to the formal names for body parts and why it is necessary to know the anatomical names for our body parts. Just a few messages for this week:      OLC Mission Market Day and Feast Day   This Friday we are celebrating the 25 th  anniversary of OLC and the feast of the Assumption of Mary. All day will be centered around Mary and raising money for some less fortunate people. This year, the markets will look a bit different but we will still be focused on raising money for the Catholic Mission Australia with the  profits   of the day going to charities in Thailand. To assist, we are ask...