
Showing posts from November, 2021

Week 8 Term 4

Dear 3Mc Parents, I hope you had an enjoyable weekend, soaking up the wonderful sunshine!  I know I did!!  Can you believe that there are less than two weeks to go?  We are still madly working through our term programs and will be for the next week or so.  Students have projects to complete and I am still giving them an opportunity to show what they can do.  I have however eased off on homework a little. Just a few reminders this week; Vinnies’s Appeal: Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those in need by contributing to Christmas  Hamper s distributed by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. This year families are invited to contribute specified items including non-perishable foods such as:  Tinned foods, pasta, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces, jams and condiments. Christmas Concert The Christmas Concert is taking place next Tuesday 7th December. It commences at 6pm, so please ensure that your child is here at 5:40...

Week 5

 Hello 3Mc parents and welcome to week 5! I can’t believe we are nearly half way through the term! I hope that you all had a great weekend.  Stop Motion In art this term we are learning about and creating stop motion movies.  Students have created story boards outlining what they intend filming and as such know what characters they will need.  Please support your child to remember the characters they will need to commence filming this Wednesday. Students may like to bring small figures such as lego to represent the characters of their movies. Pupil Free day: A reminder that there is a pupil free day on Friday 12 November. The staff will be creating our School Improvement Plan for 2022, work on our school Vision for learning, analyse our NAPLAN and PAT test data and school strategic plan. Remembrance Day: On Thursday 11 November at 11am we will hold a special ceremony, led by Mr Jones’ Year 5 class to remember all those who have died in war. We pray that we keep ...