
Showing posts from April, 2018

Welcome back!!

Good morning and welcome back for the term! I hope that your break was restful and exciting at the same time! REMINDERS - WEEK 1 Year 4 Family Mass  - this is on this Saturday 5th May. All students and families are welcome to attend and share mass and a slice of pizza afterwards. Casuals for Catholics  - this is a free dress day on Friday 11th May. A gold coin donation from each student is appreciated. Mothers Day Breakfast  - is also on Friday 11th May. Please keep an eye out in the coming days for further information. Make sure you have articulated those gift requests! NAPLAN Week  - is in Week 3 Tuesday 15th - Thursday 17th May. A really good brekky on these days is very helpful. We will continue with our normal teaching and learning programme as much as possible to limit stress or disruption. TERM 2 LEARNING  We once again have a very busy term ahead of us! In our literacy lessons we will continue working on strategies students can use i...

Week 11

Parent teacher interviews begin tonight, so if you haven't put your name down yet, please contact me. Homework this week is back to normal; Reading every night for at least 10 minutes.  Out loud is the best for your child's growth. Spelling - our words have come home today for LCSWC Mental maths unit 11 with the video below  to assist.

Wednesday week 10 - Abandoned places part 2

Good afternoon. The video below demonstrates how we turn our planning from our abandoned places into our writing.  Please watch this video with your child before class tomorrow so that they know what will be expected tomorrow.  I do not expect your child to be writing tonight, just watching and discussing the video before tomorrow. The only other homework I have set for tonight is reading, so please ensure your child is reading aloud tonight. Thanks Mr McSevich.

Week 10 Homework

With this week being so short I am not setting mental maths or spelling homework.  Students will still need to read nightly for at least 10 minutes.  It is a great idea to have your child explain three main points from the page they just read, or be able to answer questions you ask them from the page they have read. Tomorrow in class (Tuesday) we will be working on describing setting in our narratives.  To assist and ensure that we are prepared for the lesson, please assist your child watch the video below and select an image from the attached  Abandoned places  gallery. Please ask your child to come to school tomorrow with the name of the abandoned place they have chosen.  It would also assist your child if you are talking about the things in the pictures you can see, hear, feel and touch.