Welcome back!!
Good morning and welcome back for the term! I hope that your break was restful and exciting at the same time! REMINDERS - WEEK 1 Year 4 Family Mass - this is on this Saturday 5th May. All students and families are welcome to attend and share mass and a slice of pizza afterwards. Casuals for Catholics - this is a free dress day on Friday 11th May. A gold coin donation from each student is appreciated. Mothers Day Breakfast - is also on Friday 11th May. Please keep an eye out in the coming days for further information. Make sure you have articulated those gift requests! NAPLAN Week - is in Week 3 Tuesday 15th - Thursday 17th May. A really good brekky on these days is very helpful. We will continue with our normal teaching and learning programme as much as possible to limit stress or disruption. TERM 2 LEARNING We once again have a very busy term ahead of us! In our literacy lessons we will continue working on strategies students can use i...