Welcome back!!

Good morning and welcome back for the term!

I hope that your break was restful and exciting at the same time!


Year 4 Family Mass - this is on this Saturday 5th May. All students and families are welcome to attend and share mass and a slice of pizza afterwards.

Casuals for Catholics - this is a free dress day on Friday 11th May. A gold coin donation from each student is appreciated.

Mothers Day Breakfast - is also on Friday 11th May. Please keep an eye out in the coming days for further information. Make sure you have articulated those gift requests!

NAPLAN Week - is in Week 3 Tuesday 15th - Thursday 17th May. A really good brekky on these days is very helpful. We will continue with our normal teaching and learning programme as much as possible to limit stress or disruption.


We once again have a very busy term ahead of us!

In our literacy lessons we will continue working on strategies students can use in reading comprehension. We will begin with look at making connections between a text to - another text, ourselves and the world.Questioning, summarising and retell. 

For our writing we will be looking at narratives, how they are structured and for what purpose. We will be looking at Indigenous Australian Dreamtime stories and how they are used to explain events within creation. 

Our HASS topic this term is looking at Commemorating the ANZAC Legend. If anyone has any memorabilia - medals/books/notes or photos that you may be willing to share it would be greatly appreciated. I will guard them with my life!

Additionally, if anyone in the 3M community has access to any past or current members of the military who may be available to come and speak to the students about their experiences of combat that would also be very welcome!

Our first Religious Education programme is Gathered As One which looks at how the church community works together. We will take a walk to the church to learn more about where special events take place in the church, some of the roles associated with this work and what is required to keep the church working in its mission. We will be spending time with Fr Ian as he walks us through some of these things - again, if anyone is involved in our church and would be available to come and speak to the students that would be wonderful!

We will continue with our lessons in Keeping Safe and Friendology as well as our Making Jesus Real programme.

This term I will be adding in Behind the News for the students to watch. This is a child friendly news program that shares important information about world events with students in a fun and engaging way. I will be working with students on their recall of main events from these stories in class on a Friday.

Behind the News Website - click on the link if you would like to check it out.

In Design Technology we will be looking at the production of food and fibre from farms. The students will have a chance to use some recycled materials to create paper and we have also planned a fun challenge for them at the conclusion of the unit. Stay tuned!


Please see below the homework that has been assigned for the week.

Reading - All reading is to be written into their reading log, including the name of the book and number of pages and then signed by you.

Spelling - Students are to complete a LCWC of their list words for the week. 

I ask that students do not go ahead and complete all of their LCWC in one day as this means that they are not seeing the words again until they are tested on Friday and this doesn't help with their retention of the concept being covered.

Sight Words - If you can please work with your child to complete these every night. It is great to ask your child the definition of the word or to use that word in a sentence as well if you have time?

I will move ahead on retesting students this week for those that have had theirs for some time.

Mental Maths - Students are to complete Days 1-4 of Unit 12. This is marked daily in class each morning. It is fine if students work ahead on this.

Please see the link below for assistance if needed.

Times Tables -  
The Australian Curriculum requires that students in Year 3 are fluent in their 2, 3, 5 & 10 times tables by the end of the year.

We feel that working ahead on all times tables is incredibly important so please make sure that your child is reviewing their 2's and 3's this week.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


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