Week 7

Welcome to Week 7

Buddy Mass
We have a buddy mass this Wednesday at the church with the other year 3 and year 4 classes.  The mass starts at 9:30 and will be held at Our Lady of the Southern Cross church.  You are most welcome to join us.

This week we are back to our normal homework routine which includes reading log, spelling, the 4 times tables and Mental Maths Unit 7.  A link to a video to help explain the mental maths strategy is provided here.  Please watch and discuss this with your child.
The attached link will enable access of a maths game to practice the times tables.  This site can be accessed from any device and provides a tool that may be suitable to practice recall of the times tables. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Home readers are to be swapped once a week to provide opportunity to repeatedly work on words at your child's level.  Please ensure that your child is reading this nightly.  Books are to be swapped Monday, but if your child forgets their book on Monday, there will be time Tuesday morning. 
Sight word testing has commenced and we are working through testing of students.  Students will be tested on reading and writing all sigh words so please practice this nightly with your child.

Holy Week - We will be coming together each day during Holy Week to share a reflection on one of the key milestones of this important time. The Year 3 students will be presenting on Thursday 29th March beginning at 9am in the Hall. 
This is a combined effort between the Year 3 and 4 classes. Further information will follow in regards to costuming and reading parts if applicable. 

Our Learning
This week we will be working on subtraction strategies that tie into our mental maths work very neatly.  In literacy Over the past few weeks we have been exploring the sun, moon and earth and how they move in the sky.  Last week we explored the rotation of the sun and moon through role play and made a model to show the rotation of the Earth and Moon.  We made sure we were prepared and thinking like scientists as we explored the concept.  The Lab coats definitely helped us focus of the concept of rotation.


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