Week 3

Welcome to week three. I hope you were all able to enjoy at least a little of the wonderful weather we had over the weekend, I know I did!

This week we are moving into addition strategies in maths and continuing working through narrative writing in literacy.  This week in science we are exploring and manipulating shadows.

Just a few points of note this week; 


Students have glued into their homework books their spelling, maths and homework grid. This is due Friday to provide opportunity to complete this around the busy home schedule.  All students have brought home a reader and I am starting to see these be swapped.  If your child has finished their reader, please encourage them to swap this in the morning before lesson start.  Please support your child to complete their homework by providing them the time to sit and complete this work.

This week the mental maths strategy is finding doubles and there is an example at the top of the homework page.  I have introduced the new addition strategy for the week and we have practiced it in class.  I mentioned to the students that I would like them to try the strategy firstly, but if they struggle then to use a strategy they know.

I have also sent home sheets of flash cards.  Currently I have sent home the 2 times tables and related division facts.  we have spoken about how division is the opposite of multiplication and that we can use the 2 times tables to help us with division by 2 facts.

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lesson for Year 3 will occur in week 7 and will run for just the one week.  I will send further information about this closer, but students will be travelling to and from the pool in their bathers and will need to wear rashys at all times in the pool, regardless of whether they are starting in the indoor pool.

Thanks for your ongoing support
Mr Mc


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