Week 1 Term 3

Welcome back to school everyone! I hope you all enjoyed some special family time over the break and made the most of the fabulous weather we were lucky enough to have!!

Our Learning

This week we are working on Information Reports in Literacy, reading and examining what makes great reports. In reading we are working on the summarising strategy as we focus on determining the main idea of what we are reading. 

In maths we are continuing with measurement and mental calculations in maths.


Spelling Homework
The children will be receiving new spelling lists this week and you will notice that many of them have different coloured lists due to being in a new spelling group this term. If your child has the same coloured words they are repeating their previous spelling group to consolidate unknown sounds.  Please feel free to discuss any questions you have about their spelling or the synthetic phonics spelling approach (Diana Rigg PLD) we use at OLC.  

Maths Homework
It is expected that Unit 21 to be completed this week for homework. Maths books were handed back to the children yesterday.  We will continue with aiming to complete a unit each week and handing them on Friday mornings for me to review.  I appreciate your time to mark your child's work as they complete it so that they can receive immediate feedback.  Please feel free to asterisk concepts that your child finds difficult so that I can acknowledge and cater for this for future planning and teaching. 


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