
Showing posts from February, 2020

Week 4

Good afternoon parents This week we are finalising our work on writing a descriptive setting using abandoned places.  We are also exploring shadows and the conditions that are required to make a shadow.  Tomorrow we will be attending an Ash Wednesday prayer service in the hall. Homework Homework books came home yesterday with grids, spelling words and this week's mental math concept practice sheets.  We learned and practiced the concept yesterday and I will run through it again throughout the week.  Please ensure you are checking your child's homework daily and sign their homework grid ready for Friday. Reminders Library Our library day is now Thursday.  Please assist your child by working with them to ensure they remember their library bag on Thursday. Swimming During week 6 we will be travelling to the pool in Busselton for swimming lessons.   Please take the time to check that your child has what they need and that it is all clearly label...

Week 3 - Abandoned places

Good afternoon parents. Today we created Y-chart plans for our abandoned places writing based on the pictures we have chosen from the Literacy Shed.  Tomorrow we start turning this plan into our writing.  To help us come to class with an idea of what we will be doing (prior knowledge), please assist your child to sit and watch the video below.  Please note I will be teaching the children tomorrow how we complete the writing, but the video will help them come prepared with the prior knowledge of what the task should look like. Thanks for your ongoing support Sean McSevich

Week 3 - Homework

Good afternoon parents. Wednesday in class we will be working on describing setting in our narratives.  To assist and ensure that we are prepared for the lesson, please assist your to child watch the video below and select an image from the attached  Abandoned places  gallery. Please ask your child to come to school Wednesday with the name of the abandoned place they have chosen.  It would also assist your child if you are talking about the things in the pictures you can see, hear, feel and touch and using adjectives to help describe them. The attached video shows how to complete the Y-chart plan, however I do not expect this to be completed at home. Homework Today we have prepared our homework books.  In the book we have glued the homework grid, spelling words and mental maths questions.  I have also sent home our readers and some addition and subtraction flash cards to assist in rapid recall.  The instructions for the grid are fairly self ex...

Swimming Notes

Good afternoon Parents Today I sent home swimming lesson notes that include both permission and information about stages.  I will be collecting these for collation so please sign and return them to me in class. Further, the School Family Business Directory was sent home also.  This was sent home only with the eldest child in the family, so please keep an eye out for these. Thanks for your ongoing support Sean McSevich

Parent information night slides

Good morning parents. Please see the attached link for the slides from the parent information night for your reference. If you have any questions, please contact me Thanks Sean McSevich

Week 2

Welcome to week 2! I trust that everyone survived week 1! I know that there were many tired children around the school will take a little getting used to being back at school! Parent Information Night  This week we have our parent Information Night (Tuesday) starting at 5pm.  I will run a 20 minute session in class, followed by Mr Lee talking in the Hall for 20 minutes, then I will finish with a repeat of my initial 20 minute session.  The idea is that you only need to attend one of the classroom sessions where I will discuss how my class works.  I will also put the slides up on this blog for you to refer back to if needed or if you are unable to attend. Science Mobiles Last week we designed our science mobiles that we will be making to represent the sun, earth and moon.  If your child needs to bring anything in to make this, please do so for tomorrow. Homework I had initially planned to commence homework this week, however there are c...