Week 4

Good afternoon parents

This week we are finalising our work on writing a descriptive setting using abandoned places.  We are also exploring shadows and the conditions that are required to make a shadow.  Tomorrow we will be attending an Ash Wednesday prayer service in the hall.

Homework books came home yesterday with grids, spelling words and this week's mental math concept practice sheets.  We learned and practiced the concept yesterday and I will run through it again throughout the week.  Please ensure you are checking your child's homework daily and sign their homework grid ready for Friday.


Our library day is now Thursday.  Please assist your child by working with them to ensure they remember their library bag on Thursday.

During week 6 we will be travelling to the pool in Busselton for swimming lessons.  Please take the time to check that your child has what they need and that it is all clearly labelled - please include underwear in this as there is always a pair left over that belongs to no one!

Your child can wear their bathers underneath their sports uniform if they are comfortable but we will also give time for them to get changed.

Please note - your child must come to school wearing their sneakers, not thongs.

Your child will need:

  • bathers
  • towel
  • goggles
  • thongs
  • rashie
  • sports uniform - hooray, no ironing!
Thanks for your ongoing support
Sean Mcsevich


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