
Showing posts from March, 2020

Week 9

Good afternoon and welcome to week 9. Firstly, let me say a great big thank you to everyone.  Your support over the past few weeks has been wonderful.  Should you or your children have any questions, I am here to support you in anyway I can.  At this point email is probably the best way to contact me. This week I will send a link to the Week 9 online learning grid and will include links to the spelling sheets, mathletics sheets and Study Ladder log in details. To make our home learning easier, I have included some videos that will make accessing the online tasks easier.  Please click on the links below to watch the videos. Video on how to access and use Studyladder Video on how to access Soundwaves online games Spelling This week our concept is 'i as in igloo'.  Please use the words below to complete the activities. Writing This week, one of the activities I have set is a free write.  If your child is struggling to think of what to write...

Week 8

Good morning and welcome to week 8. The last few weeks have been very strange and trying, but we will get through. I have decided to place the spelling words below so that they can be accessed at any time.  Students know their spelling groups. I have also attached the mental maths homework sheet below and included a video to explain the strategy. Multiply by tens mental maths If your child was at school on Friday, I sent home their mathletics and reading eggspress passwords.  If your child was not at school Friday, I will either send these home today or to you via email. Activities that are set on these can be completed on any device as the applications are website based.  Further, if you have made the decision to self isolate, I have sent an email with some of the work we will be completing in class during the week.  Thanks for your ongoing support Sean McSevich

Week 5

Good afternoon parents Hopefully you enjoyed a restful and refreshing long weekend.  You may be like me and asking yourself "Where did that go?" In class today we were learning about the use of quotation marks (or speech marks) in narrative writing.  We also learned about why we have our seasons in different months to the northern hemisphere. Homework Homework books were set up today with grids, spelling words and this week's mental math concept practice sheets.  We learned and practiced the concept today and I will run through it again throughout the week.  Please ensure you are checking your child's homework daily and sign their homework grid ready for Friday. Reminders Crazy Hair Day This friday is crazy hair day.  A gold coin donation is required, but the good news is that all funds raised go to support the local community and school affected by the recent bushfires on the east coast of Australia.  Library Our library day is now Thursday.  P...