Week 9

Good afternoon and welcome to week 9.

Firstly, let me say a great big thank you to everyone.  Your support over the past few weeks has been wonderful.  Should you or your children have any questions, I am here to support you in anyway I can.  At this point email is probably the best way to contact me.

This week I will send a link to the Week 9 online learning grid and will include links to the spelling sheets, mathletics sheets and Study Ladder log in details.

To make our home learning easier, I have included some videos that will make accessing the online tasks easier.  Please click on the links below to watch the videos.

Video on how to access and use Studyladder

Video on how to access Soundwaves online games

This week our concept is 'i as in igloo'.  Please use the words below to complete the activities.

This week, one of the activities I have set is a free write.  If your child is struggling to think of what to write, the pictures below may give them some ideas.  Please let the children know that I am fine despite the wild animals in my house.  I managed to guide them back outside with nothing but a flesh wound!

This week in mental math we are reviewing the strategies we have learned this term.  Please note that not all of the strategies are able to be reviewed, but some that students struggled with are included in the daily practice.

To help complete the math tasks this week, I have included a number of video clips to watch.  These videos can be accessed by clicking on the link in the home learning template, or the links below.

I have also made this video that will explain Lines of symmetry  Students may like to watch these videos before commencing the activities on symmetry.

With rotational symmetry, this link will take you to the website which explains rotational symmetry.

Some of the students have started the circular weaving art task.  The two videos below will walk through how to make a circular weaving loom and how to complete the circular weaving task.

I hope you have a wonderful week and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.

Sean McSevich


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