Week 5
Good afternoon and welcome to week 5 This week we will continue to work on persuasive writing, having written our first one for the year based on one that we shared. Tomorrow we will start a new persuasive text on a topic we choose and showing what we have learned this terms. In science we learned about the tree ways that heat moves and attempted an experiment with tea bags to show convection. Unfortunately the experiment didn't work as planned, but we watched the following video that showed the experiment and will try again tomorrow. This may be one to try at home under strict adult supervision. Reminders Pick up and Drop Off As you will be aware visitors, including parents are not permitted on school grounds. As such, we appreciate your patience in waiting and adherence to the rules that have been worked out with pick up and drop off...we are all doing our best to get the children to their cars as quickly and as safely as possible. Students are being rel...