Week 4

Good morning and welcome to Week 4

Firstly, thank you to everyone for all the support provided over the past few weeks, be it the support you have provided to your children at home or the kind words I have received.  We are now almost all back in the class with our routines back to normal. 

Thank you to those who were able to bring Ipads into school over the past few weeks, it has been very helpful.  We no longer require these being brought to school but I encourage you to keep them signed into seesaw at home as children are bring asked to complete their art photography assignments at home.

This week we will be continuing with our persuasive writing and moving to using the formal algorithm for subtracting numbers.

Drop off and Pick ups
Unfortunately we still have been directed by the Western Australian Government that parents are not allowed on school ground. As directed by Admin via text last week, all parents must ONLY use pick up lane on Cape Naturaliste Drive (top car park) or via pick up on Sloan Drive. I know there was some confusion last week as it only changed on Thursday but please DO NOT drive in, park, then get out of your car to get your child from the pick up area. This would really help us as we can keep an eye on the children and make sure they stay safe away from cars driving in and out. 

Merit Awards
Merit Awards will recommence this week and as we are not allowed to have school assemblies, Mr. Lee and Mr. Torrese will be coming around to each of the classes to present the merit awards. As we have been directed by the Western Australian Government that parents are not allowed on school grounds, I will take photographs of the presentation and send these to you via email.

Thank you for your ongoing support

Sean McSevich


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