
Showing posts from July, 2021

Information Report Video

 Good afternoon Parents If you could please have your child watch this video before class tomorrow, it will give them an understanding of what we will be doing in class.  If your child is unable to watch the video, we will be covering the material tomorrow.  However, it will enable them to come to class having seen what we they will be completing. Thanks for your ongoing support Mr Mc

Week 2

Dear 3Mc Parents,  Welcome to week 2.  Hopefully you were able to enjoy some of the fab weather over the weekend, although I think it is going to be a tad wet tonight!! Just a few Reminders Formal Uniform Every Tuesday As we no longer study dance on Tuesday, we are now studying music with Mrs Sherborne.  As such, we no longer need to wear our sport uniform and should be in our formal uniform on Tuesdays for Semester 2.  Sorry about the late notice, I should have let you know before today. Assembly There has been a date change for our assembly.  We will now have our performance assembly in week 9 of this term ( Friday 17th September) Canteen  Just a reminder that canteen will commence this week on Tuesdays and Thursday's ONLY.  Important dates for Term 3 Mission Markets and OLC 25th anniversary Mass: Friday 13th August OLC Open night: Wednesday 25th August (4.30 pm-5.30 pm) Athletics Carnival: Thursday 26th August  Assembly: Friday 17th September P...

Welcome back to week 1!!

Dear 3Mc Parents,  Welcome back to Week One. I hope you had a lovely holiday and managed to recuperate after term 2.  This Term we are working through information reports in writing, we have started symmetry in maths and will be completing our Chemical Science Unit! Just a few Reminders Formal Uniform Every Tuesday As we no longer study dance on Tuesday, we are now studying music with Mrs Sherborne.  As such, we no longer need to wear our sport uniform and should be in our formal uniform on Tuesdays for Semester 2.  Sorry about the late notice, I should have let you know before today. Assembly A quick reminder that our assembly is on Friday of Week five. We sent out a blog post with more details closer to the assembly.  No canteen this week  Just a reminder that there is no canteen this week but will commence next week on Tuesdays and Thursday's ONLY.  Important dates for Term 3 Mission Markets and OLC 25th anniversary Mass: Friday 13th August OLC Open...