Week 2

Dear 3Mc Parents, 

Welcome to week 2.  Hopefully you were able to enjoy some of the fab weather over the weekend, although I think it is going to be a tad wet tonight!!

Just a few Reminders

Formal Uniform Every Tuesday

As we no longer study dance on Tuesday, we are now studying music with Mrs Sherborne.  As such, we no longer need to wear our sport uniform and should be in our formal uniform on Tuesdays for Semester 2.  Sorry about the late notice, I should have let you know before today.


There has been a date change for our assembly.  We will now have our performance assembly in week 9 of this term (Friday 17th September)


Just a reminder that canteen will commence this week on Tuesdays and Thursday's ONLY. 

Important dates for Term 3

Mission Markets and OLC 25th anniversary Mass: Friday 13th August

OLC Open night: Wednesday 25th August (4.30 pm-5.30 pm)

Athletics Carnival: Thursday 26th August 

Assembly: Friday 17th September

Pupil Free Day: Friday 27th August

School Photos: Thursday 9th September 

Book Week Dress up: Wednesday 22nd September

Enjoy the rest of the week!!!

Mr Mc


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