Week 7
Good afternoon and welcome to the week. REMINDERS - WEEK 7 Shoebox Donations - If you can pretty please make sure that these items are in by Friday 7th September...this is such an amazing cause and all contributions are greatly appreciated! Book Week Dress Up - This Thursday is our Book Week Dress Up day! We ask that all students come dressed as a character from their favourite book ready to parade on Thursday after recess. If your child is able to bring their book as well, that would be great! They will be asked to explain their character during the parade. Father's Day Breakfast - Can you please make sure that you have sent your RSVP in to Fran by Wednesday. We are asking all that attend to bring a cold coin donation. Stop Motion Movie Items - If your child has not already done so, can you please remind them to bring in their items for their movie on Friday as we will be finalising these this week. Reconciliation Parent Meeting Workshop ...