Week 6

Good morning and welcome to week 6.

Thank you again to everyone who sent in donations for our prizes for our mission market stall! A huge thanks must also go to Alice Mouritz and to Aaron and Bianca Cass for their assistance during our mission market stall.  It was a huge success and as a school we raise more than $1400!!


School Photos - Is on this Thursday 23rd August. Notes were sent home last week, please check with your child if you have not received them as yet. This is for the online ordering...please also make sure that you collect a form from the office if you would like to have sibling photos taken.

Please make sure that your child comes to school in/with their full winter uniform. This includes the jumper - it is fine if they don't want to wear it during the day but they will need it for the photos.

If I can ask that hair is neat and tidy, tied back as required in school colours only. Shoes are to be given a once over as well please. Girls are to wear white socks - not tights on this day.

Shoe Box Donations - These are due in by Friday 7th September...please let me know if your child has not notified you of what they need?

Father's Day Breakfast - Is on Friday 31st August...please make sure that you have sent your RSVP to Fran Marrell to assist with catering.

Book Week Dress Up - Is on Thursday 30th August. The theme is 'Find Your Treasure'. We ask that students make an effort to dress up as a character from a book as best they can...costumes don't need to be extravagant or expensive...I am madly searching Pinterest for inspiration!!!!!


The students have been charging ahead with their own information reports and they are really enjoying them...I am looking forward to seeing them finished in the near future. 
In maths we are looking at number patterns and are reviewing formal subtraction algorithms.  

As part of our learning we have also begun this week learning about the Zones of Regulation. These are the spaces that we often operate in in a classroom environment. We had a fantastic chat about what strategies we can use to help get ourselves to the Green Zone which is the optimal zone for our learning.

The students have created individual cards listing with that they can use throughout the day. This will be used in conjunction with 'Check Ins'. This is where we will take a moment throughout the day to check in and see how we are feeling and what adjustments need to be made to keep ourselves in the Green Zone. It would be great if you could take some time to chat with your child about this and ask them some of their strategies!


Reading -Please make sure that your child is reading out loud to you each night. This is an important skill in helping them to decode unfamiliar words and to attend to meaning - this means that they realise that what they are reading may not make sense if they have changed/missed/substituted a word. It is great if your child loves to read whilst they are getting ready for bed and I strongly encourage this reading for pleasure...please make sure that both is happening.

Spelling - Students are to complete a LCWC of their list words for the week. These are review words for this week as they will be tested on the words covered over the past months - a quick run through for your child would be great for their confidence!

Sight Words - If you can please work with your child to complete these every night.

Mental Maths - Students are to complete Days 1-4 of Unit 24. This is marked daily in class each morning. It is fine if students work ahead on this.

Times Tables - Activity Sheet - 3 Times Tables. Students are asked to write out their tables in order on Monday and Tuesday nights and then complete them out of order on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


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