OLC Feast Day - 15th August

Good afternoon 
We will be celebrating the OLC Feast day on Wednesday 15th August

The day will commence with Mass at Our Lady of the Southern Cross Church beginning at 9.30am. You are welcome to attend.

We will also celebrate with our annual Mission Markets with all money raised to support the Caritas mission.

This year, 3M will be hosting the 'Throwing Stuff' stall! Students will play an assortment of games with the aim, during which they will win a prize. If you are available to help in the running of the stall on the day, please let me know as it would be greatly appreciated.  To help with prizes for the stall, please send in before Friday 10 August 2018;
  1. 1 packet of wrapped chocolates ( Freddo Frogs, Mars Bars, Boost etc....)
  2. and
  3. 1 block of chocolate to be used as prizes. Please remember to choose a block that does not contain any nuts!
For this day, we ask that you send your child in with a small amount of money to spend in smaller denominations...think 10c, 20c 50c or $1 etc. Please make sure that it is in a wallet, purse or zip loc bag that is clearly labelled.

Thanks for your support
Sean McSevich


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