
Showing posts from August, 2019

Week 6

Good afternoon and welcome to week 6. Today I have sent home a research project for the students to complete.  The research will be used to complete an information report in week 7 and gives the students the opportunity to choose an Australian place of interest on which to write an information report.  I have included a planning template and a page outlining the task.  Please support your child to complete the research required.  I have also told the students that I have books that can be used if they do not have any research books at home.  Although the research is primarily to be completed at home, I will also make myself available at lunch time later in the week to enable students to complete some of this task at school if they need access to the internet or books. Homework Spelling Homework Please support your child to practice their spelling concept and any personal words they may have this week.  You may even like to give them a break...

Week 5

Good afternoon and welcome to week 5, already!! This week in Maths we are moving onto division strategies and volume. In literacy we are writing our own information reports on native Western Australian animals.  Homework Spelling Homework Please support your child to practice their spelling concept and any personal words they may have this week.  You may even like to give them a break and test them either orally or on scrap paper. Maths Homework It is expected that Unit 25 be completed this week for homework.   I appreciate your time to mark your child's work as they complete it so that they can receive immediate feedback.  Please feel free to asterisk concepts that your child finds difficult so that I can acknowledge and cater for this for future planning and teaching.  Readers Please support your child to practice their reading everyday, aloud if possible.  If your child says they do not have a reader, reading books from home is ...

Week 4

Good afternoon and welcome to week 4...already!! This week we have been continuing with our learning around what happens to materials when we add heat.  We also learned about what happens when we remove head from a liquid, and as you can see had plenty of fun chocolate welding.  The best thing about this activity isn't the chocolate or marshmallows (because we didn't even get to eat any!!) but the problem solving and teamwork that is necessary to make the tallest self-sustaining tower possible while we look at chocolate changing from a liquid to a solid!! Homework Spelling Homework Please support your child to practice their spelling concept and any personal words they may have this week.  You may even like to give them a break and test them either orally or on scrap paper. Maths Homework It is expected that Unit 24 be completed this week for homework.   I appreciate your time to mark your child's work as they complete it so that ...

Week 3

Welcome to week 3! Our Learning This week we are continuing with Information Reports where we have identified what a fact is, planned an information report using brainstorm planning and will be decomposing reports and informative paragraphs.  In maths we worked through perimeter and area.  Later in the week we will be determining the area and perimeter of our names.  We have also been working on formal multiplication strategies and today we worked on the short method for multiplication. Homework Spelling Homework Please support your child to practice their spelling concept and any personal words they may have this week.  You may even like to give them a break and test them either orally or on scrap paper. Maths Homework It is expected that Unit 23 be completed this week for homework.   I appreciate your time to mark your child's work as they complete it so that they can receive immediate feedback.  Please feel free to asterisk concepts that ...

Mission Market Stall

Good afternoon  We will be celebrating the OLC Feast day on   15th August .  On the day, we will celebrate a Mass for our feast day, which you are welcome to attend. We will also celebrate with our annual Mission Markets with all money raised to support the Caritas mission. Year 3's will be hosting the 'Throwing Stuff' stall! Students will play an assortment of games w, during which they will win a prize.  If you are available to help in the running of the stall on the day, please let me know as it would be greatly appreciated.   To help with prizes for the stall, please send in before  Friday 9 August 2019 ; 1 packet of wrapped chocolates  ( Freddo Frogs, Mars Bars, Boost etc....) Thanks for your support Sean McSevich