Mission Market Stall

Good afternoon 
We will be celebrating the OLC Feast day on  15th August

On the day, we will celebrate a Mass for our feast day, which you are welcome to attend.

We will also celebrate with our annual Mission Markets with all money raised to support the Caritas mission.

Year 3's will be hosting the 'Throwing Stuff' stall! Students will play an assortment of games w, during which they will win a prize. If you are available to help in the running of the stall on the day, please let me know as it would be greatly appreciated.  To help with prizes for the stall, please send in before Friday 9 August 2019;

  1. 1 packet of wrapped chocolates ( Freddo Frogs, Mars Bars, Boost etc....)

Thanks for your support
Sean McSevich


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