Week 6

Good afternoon and welcome to Week 6.

Our Learning
This week we are continuing to develop the structure of our persuasive paragraphs where we are focused on PEEing in our paragraphs (Point, Explain, Example). In Maths, we are learning about collecting and interpreting data. In Science, we have been exploring how our shadows change throughout the day with our own 'Mary Poppins' moments.

Harmony Day.  March 29th 2019.
Dear Parents,
We need you…..
On the 29th of March the students of Our Lady of the Cape Primary School will celebrate Harmony Day. 

It is our aim to support the development of respect and appreciation for cultures other than their own in the students. To do this we would like to immerse the children in a rich variety of experiences that include food, music, visual arts and the development of a knowledge base of the cultural traditions of others.

Information is always best coming from those who have experienced the learning first hand so we are asking parents help out on the day.

We would love parents to lead an activity as part of a rotation between 9am and 11am on the day.  There would be no more than 20 children in each group. Each session would last 15 minutes and you would repeat this activity up to 6 six times.

If you were born in another country you may wish to present some photographs, samples of traditional foods, clothing, games etc. and tell the children about how you grew up. How is was different to here… and the same as here.

If you can play a musical instrument you may like to share your skills.  The children would love to listen. 

Perhaps you can write some great haiku… or fold some tricky origami. 
Those of you who teach dance, karate or craft may like to come and share your talents.

Children always love to cook.  We would love to have someone making pasta, pizza or some other cultural delight (remembering that you only have 15 minutes).
So… if you can help please email Julie Birch.  

Children have glued their spelling (made of incorrectly spelled words from their writing) and reading logs into their homework books.  Please support your child to complete their 10 minutes reading per night and their spelling words. Students also have their mental maths  book in which to complete Unit 5 this week.  

If your child is struggling with their homework due to understanding, please let me know. 

Next week we have swimming lessons, where we will be travelling to the pool in Busselton at 9:40 and returning around 12:30.  Please take the time to check that your child has what they need and that it is all clearly labelled - please include underwear in this as there is always a pair left over that belongs to no one!

Your child can wear their bathers underneath their sports uniform if they are comfortable but we will also give time for them to get changed.

Please note - your child must come to school wearing their sneakers not thongs.

Your child will need:

  • bathers
  • towel
  • goggles
  • thongs
  • rashie
  • sports uniform - hooray, no ironing!

Thanks for your ongoing support
Sean McSevich


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