Week 3

Welcome to week 3!

Our Learning

This week we are continuing with Information Reports where we have identified what a fact is, planned an information report using brainstorm planning and will be decomposing reports and informative paragraphs. 

In maths we worked through perimeter and area.  Later in the week we will be determining the area and perimeter of our names.  We have also been working on formal multiplication strategies and today we worked on the short method for multiplication.


Spelling Homework
Please support your child to practice their spelling concept and any personal words they may have this week.  You may even like to give them a break and test them either orally or on scrap paper.

Maths Homework
It is expected that Unit 23 be completed this week for homework.   I appreciate your time to mark your child's work as they complete it so that they can receive immediate feedback.  Please feel free to asterisk concepts that your child finds difficult so that I can acknowledge and cater for this for future planning and teaching. 

Please support your child to practice their reading everyday, aloud if possible.  If your child says they do not have a reader, reading books from home is perfectly acceptable, even encouraged.


P&F Plate Fundraiser
Plates are available for collection from the Office for those who requested plates be made

Mission Markets 
Our annual OLC Mission Markets-  celebrating Our Lady of the Cape Feast Day-  are fast approaching (Thursday 15th August - Week 4). Please send your chocolate donations in by Friday the 9th.


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