Week 9 Term 1
Can you believe it is already the end of Term 1? I know I can't, but we are still learning about rhetorical questions and how they help to grab our attention in persuasive texts!! I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and were able to enjoy some sunshine. Parent Teacher Interviews Firstly, thank you to all those parents that have attended (and will be attending) parent interviews. It has been great to sit down and firstly meet many of you, but also discuss how your children are going so far. Please remember, if at any time you have concerns, questions or just want a chat, please drop in and see me or send me an email. Homework Our usual homework is due this week, but on Thursday 1st April as Friday is a public holiday. Easter Story Liturgy On Wednesday at 10am the Easter Story will be presented to the school by the Year 5s. If you would like to join the liturgy you are more than welcome. Free Dress Naturaliste were the stand out winners in this terms ...