Week 2

Welcome to week 2

This week students will have both reading and mental maths homework.  Students are asked to read a book of their choice for 10 minutes per day, with this written into the reading log glued into their homework books.  Students have been asked to complete Unit 2 in the Think Mentals Mental Maths book. We have worked through the 'friendly jumps' strategy in class today, however the video attached to the link below will assist should your child be struggling with the mental strategy.  Please note, we will mark this each morning so please bring maths books daily.


Swimming lessons will commence this Thursday running for approximately 1 week.  We will be leaving school at 9.40am and returning to school by 12.30pm. 

Students will wear sports uniform for the week and your child will need to come dressed in their sports uniform with bathers/boardies/rashie underneath.  Thongs or sandals will need to be already on their feet. 

Students will need to bring their sneakers and socks to put on after we return from swimming.

Your child will also need to bring their water bottle and recess in a zip loc bag or wrapping (in their swimming bag) to bring with them to the pool as we will have a short break there for them renergise between their lessons.

Please ensure that your child brings a separate bag for swimming which includes a towel and goggles. They will put their recess and water bottles in here as well. Plastic bags generally don't hold up as well with the weight in them, so consider an alternative. Please make sure that all items are clearly labelled and your child is aware of what belongs to them.

Once we are back at school, the children will get changed (including putting their sneakers on) and have lunch as normal. 

Sloan Drive Pick up lane will commence this week, although to ease congestion and ensure that this remains a safe place to collect children, only families with students in Years 4-5 will be using this lane.  Students without siblings in Years 4-6 will use the original pick-up lane at the front of the school.  Should you have children in Years 4-6, they may collect younger siblings from other classes to move to the Sloan Drive Pick-up lane.


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