Week 3

Welcome to week 3!

Homework this week includes our reading log and mental maths unit 3 (days 1 to 4).  Click here to see a video I made to help explain the friendly pairs addition strategy. We will mark our mental maths homework each morning, so please remember to place the book straight into your bag after finishing the homework.
I have also included sight words for your child to commence practice this week.  Please use these flash cards to assist your child quickly and accurately recall these words.  You may also like to ask them to put a few of their words into sentences.  Your child will be regularly tested on these words to see if they can progress to the next word group.


Swimming lessons are continuing this week.  Please ensure that your child has a rashie (or tshirt) to wear in the pool.  We are at the pool from 10am to 12pm where it is very hot.  Many groups are in the outside pool, with more now moving here for at least part of the lesson.  As you can imagine it is very easy to burn in this weather and with 1 hour 30 minutes in the water, sunscreen washes off.

Our Parent Information Night is tomorrow starting at 6:30pm.  We will commence with a meeting in the hall with Mr Wilkie, Father Ian and representatives from the P&F before returning to our class for class specific information.  Please see me if you are unable to attend.

Have a great week

Mr McSevich


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