Week 4

Welcome to Week 4

This past week we have been looking at how to PEE in our paragraphs to help us link our sentences to the main point (P for Point, E for Example and E for explain) to help persuade the reader to our point of view.  We have planned and written persuasive paragraphs on given topics and today wrote paragraphs on our own topics.  Tomorrow we will be editing and improving our paragraphs before publishing.

In maths we are working on data interpretation and today logged on to Mathletics to complete tasks that were assigned to the students.  This tool is available form any device and so in the near future I will send home log-on details to complete tasks. 

In Science we began our investigation of how night and day occur and we will be working towards building an understanding of the rotation of the earth and moon around the sun.  We tied our early understanding of the earth and moon into art this week, using chalk pastels to create some truly awesome scenes of the earth and sun from the perspective of sitting on the moon.  The pictures below are some of the awesome works created.

Last week we commenced Friendology.  This program is aimed at giving students the skills and strategies to develop and nurture healthy and positive friendships.  I will send home a copy of Notes that may be helpful for you to read so that you know what kinds of things will be covered during our sessions. These will last all year. 

Homework this week includes reading, with a reading book coming home for the week. Please read from this book each night.  Spelling words are also coming home with a Look, Cover, Say, Write check list to be completed every night and don't forget sight words practice.
In maths we are completing unit 4, with a video outling the strategy here.  We are also practicing the 2 times tables so please ask your child to write or count orally by two's each night.

As always, we will mark mental maths each morning but I will collect all other homework on Fridays.


Opening Mass - We will come together as a whole school to celebrate Mass on Friday 23rd February at 9.30am down at Our Lady of the Southern Cross. It would be wonderful to see as many parents there as possible.

Morning Routine - Now that swimming lessons are out of the way we are in full swing with our teaching and learning programs. This has meant that this week we began our spelling rotations between the Year 1-3 students. 

It is really important that your child arrives at school as close to 8.30 as possible so they can get themselves set up and ready for the day.

AGM - Wednesday night is the school's annual AGM starting at 6pm.  Please get along if you are available.

Book Donations - Our 3D bookshelf is looking a little bare! If your child has any spare books that would be suitable, they would be greatly appreciated by all in 3D. 


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