Week 8

Welcome to week 8
Last week we revisited persuasive structure, introductions and conclusions.  We also practiced using emotive language and high modality words to make sure they are very persuasive.  This culminated in writing our final persuasive piece today and we will be beginning narratives through this week.

In maths we have been working on subtraction strategies and 3d shapes where we had great fun playing with nets of 3d shapes.  Towards the end of the week we will be moving into measurement and our problem solving session.

In health we will continue to explore safety and how we can feel safe while in science we have planned and will begin our investigation into how shadows change through the day.

Homework this week involves reading, mental maths unit 8, spelling and the 4 times tables.  Please support your child to recall the 4 times tables while the attached video will assist should your child be stuck with the strategy this week.  Please watch the video and discuss with your child.

Next Thursday (29th)  we will be presenting our Holy Week class liturgy on the Resurrection with the 3D and the Year 4 class.  Can you please start thinking about a simple head dress for your child, such as a striped tea towel with a plain headband.  I will be asking that these come in to school early next week in preparation for our liturgy.

Project compassion.  We are nearing our target but still have a little to do to achieve what we hoped.  Please support your child to recognise the importance of giving.

Easter raffle.  We have begun accepting donations for this years Easter raffle.  Easter eggs for donation can be left in the box at the front of the class.


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