Week 7

Good afternoon Parents,

Welcome to week 7. 

What a performance on Friday night! I was so very proud of all of the children involved, I know that many of them were very nervous and it took a tremendous amount of courage to get the make up and costume on! It was even better than I expected, I have so many people comment on how well the children performed and the joy they saw ...so well done guys!

A very big thank you as well to you, the parents...without you this could not have happened. Thank you for all that you did to get them ready and here on time!

Ngilgi Cave Cultural Tour Excursion - On Tuesday afternoon, students in 3M will be heading to Ngilgi Cave, please make sure you have signed and returned the permission slip sent home (there is a copy on the blog if you need it ).

Students are to wear their normal winter uniform on Tuesday. They are to bring their hat, lunch and water bottle in a small backpack or bag. We will be heading off just before lunch and back by 2:30 so there will be no canteen lunch.

Parent helpers on Tuesday are welcome if you wish...please note there is an additional cost of $46 per adult. This money will need to be paid in cash directly to Josh as Ngilgi Cave are unable to process these payments.

First Eucharist - On Sunday morning at 9am at OLOTSC Church, our Year 4 students will be making their First Eucharist. You would have received an email from Mrs Meyer today asking for any available students to come and sing in the choir. This is an important event in our school community and it would be wonderful if as many Year 3 students as possible are able to attend.

P&F Disco - This will be held on Friday 22nd June. Please keep an eye out in the coming days for further information.

Grandparents Day - This is on Monday 25th June. Please have your child invite their Grandparents if they have not already!

WORLD REFUGEE DAY - Wednesday 20th June

Last year you may recall reading about current Year 5 student Amelie Lambert who reflected our school value of Compassion, and the Gospel value of Justice in the broader community when she wrote to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull asking for action on the issue of Refugees.

Millions of men, women and children around the world have been forced out of their homes because of conflict or natural disaster. They desperately need somewhere to resettle and rebuild their lives, but there aren’t enough countries willing or able to respond to that need.

At OLC we look to encourage all our students to put Christ’s mission into action – to reach out, give life and call all people in the world to faith, justice and love. To raise awareness, to help, and to actively live out our values of Compassion and Appreciation, we would like the students of OLC to participate in a “Refugee Lunch Day” on Wednesday 20th June. 

On this day we aim to reflect to the children, as closely as we can, what it’s like to eat rations as a refugee. 

The following ration packs contain exactly what is distributed to refugees for meals for a week:

  • Rice – 420g, 
  • Lentils – 170g, 
  • Dried chick peas – 85g, 
  • Tinned sardines – 125g, 
  • Tinned kidney beans – 400g, 
  • Vegetable oil – 300ml

To replicate this experience, we are offering the students at OLC a lunch of rice, lentil & chick pea dahl and flat breads for lunch on world refugee day, in exchange for a donation of money. 

This action helps us to reflect on our own good fortunes and do something selfless for those less fortunate around the world – victims of disease, poverty and violence. Families who have children who will participate will be asked to donate what they consider to be the cost of the daily lunch they get to enjoy by living in Australia.

At this stage we are looking for helpers to assist with the following:
 Cooks to prepare the lunch
 Servers to serve the lunch.
 Cleaners to clean up after the lunch

If you can help, please fill in the form attached to the newsletter and return to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. Even if you can’t help but would like your child to participate, please return the form so that we can estimate quantities for cooking. This needs to be back at school by Wednesday 13th June.

Your support of this activity helps us to “Make Jesus Real” in the lives of our children by helping them to develop compassion and empathy for others and appreciation for what we are lucky enough to have, whilst empowering them to take action to make a difference in our world. I thank you for your support.

Kind regards, and God Bless.
Mrs. Amie Meyer
OLC Religious Education Coordinator


It has been a very busy few weeks here in Year 3...we have had the dreaded NAPLAN come and go!

In our Literacy lessons, we have been steaming ahead on creating our Dreaming stories. These will be finished this week and up for display...the students have done an amazing job on these and I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I have!

Once they have completed their own Dreaming story, the students will next begin to plan, draft, edit and publish another Narrative of their own creation.

We have been looking at how we can use Questioning to help us to better understand what we read as well as fine tuning our Grammar skills with some activities to help us use punctuation and statements correctly.

In Maths we have been looking at symmetry of objects as well as moving on to written strategies for addition and inverse operations. In our problem solving sessions on Fridays, we have been looking at the importance of Acting It Out...this is a great way to use manipulatives to help the students solve a given problem.

In our Health lessons, we have been looking at the importance of choosing good foods that fuel happy and healthy moods and bodies as well as staying hydrated by good old fashioned water! We also looked at the importance of getting enough sleep and some strategies that we can use if we are having trouble falling asleep.

In Religion, we are beginning our new unit on Sharing Jesus' Special Meal - Eucharist which examines the importance of this special event. 

In HASS, we have been learning at about John Simpson and his donkey and how their actions impacted the lives of many soldiers. We will have our Pic Collages finished and ready for display soon!

In Science we have explored how materials move from solid to liquid and back again when we heat and cool materials.  We have explored how materials that are broken into smaller pieces melt faster than those that are not.

If you have any spare lined books from the beginning of the year, please send these in as we are running out of writing books.

Please see below the homework that has been assigned for the week.

Reading - All reading is to be written into their reading log, including the name of the book and number of pages and then signed by you.

Spelling - Students are to complete a LCWC of their list words for the week. 

I ask that students do not go ahead and complete all of their LCWC in one day as this means that they are not seeing the words again until they are tested on Friday and this doesn't help with their retention of the concept being covered.

Sight Words - If you can please work with your child to complete these every night. It is great to ask your child the definition of the word or to use that word in a sentence as well if you have time?

I will move ahead on retesting students this week for those that have had theirs for some time.

Mental Maths - Students are to complete Days 1-4 of Unit 16. This is marked daily in class each morning. It is fine if students work ahead on this.

Times Tables - Activity Sheet - 9 Times Tables. Students are asked to write out their tables in order on Monday and Tuesday nights and then complete them out of order on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Have a great week,


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