Week 3

Good afternoon parents and welcome to Week 3 ! 

Our Reconciliation celebration is on Wednesday night beginning at 6pm at Our Lady of the Southern Cross Church. Please see below for some important information.


Arrival Time & Dress - Please be at the Church by 5.45pm. 

Your child is to be dressed in smart casual clothing. Upon arrival they will show you to your seat. Please be mindful that some of the pews are quite small so it will be for immediate family only (parents/siblings). There will be room in the choir loft for additional family members.

Prayer Buddies - All prayer buddies are expected to attend...please let me know via email if you are unable to attend.

Rehearsals - We will be walking down to the Church on Tuesday afternoon from 1.30 - 2.45pm and then again on Wednesday 11.30- 1.30pm - please make sure your child brings a packed lunch for Wednesday as we will eat down at the church. This will help the students to feel confident in their preparations so they know what to expect.

During this time we will do the Examination of Conscience in which we ask the students to think and reflect upon what they would like to speak to the Priest about. It would be great if you could have a chat with your child to make sure they have something meaningful to share during their confession.

During the Receiving of the Sacrament - Please note this is a very important time...we ask that all family members are silent during this time to maintain the reverence associated with such an important event. We have spoken to the students at length about this and we ask you to role model appropriate behaviour.

When it is your child's turn to go up to the Priest - Mr McSevich and I will direct your child where to go. At this stage we have Fr Ian and 3 other priests to hear the student's confessions.

You will go with your child to introduce them to the Priest and then return to your seat. Keep it simple "Hello Father, this is my son/daughter...".

If you are directed to one of the Priests on the sanctuary (up the front) please ensure that you bow to the altar before stepping up and after stepping down.

Cake Celebration - The Year 4 families have organised a cake for the students to celebrate this special event. We would like to invite you to join us for a piece of cake and cuppa from 9.30am on Friday 26th October.


Socktober Fundraiser - We will be supporting this fantastic initiative on Friday 26th October. Please make sure your child comes with their crazy/footy/coloured socks AND a gold coin donation!

We will also be having a 'Rock Your Socks Off Dance Party' during lunch on this day...we would love to see you if you can make it!

SAFE Colouring Competition - We will be hearing from Tara about the work that she is doing to support SAFE in Busselton. We will also announce the winner of the competition! If your child would like to enter...please get their drawings to me by tomorrow afternoon. If they would like to donate a gold coin even if they don't enter that would be greatly appreciated as well.


Reading - If you can please make sure that your child is reading out loud to you each night. 

Spelling - Students are to complete a LCWC of their list words for the week.

Sight Words - If you can please work with your child to complete these every night.

Mental Maths - Students are to complete Days 1-4 of Unit 31. This is marked daily in class each morning. Please make sure that the Think Box section has also been completed.

Times Tables - Oral Review - test your child on the tables that we have covered.

Enjoy the week and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

Mr McSevich


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