Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to the second last week of the term!


Christmas Play and Awards Evening - is scheduled for Wednesday 5th December commencing at 5.30pm. All students are asked to come dressed in their Christmas colours - feel free to wear antler, hats, tinsel!

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS HAMPER APPEAL – PLEASE HELP! - Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. This year boxes will be located in various areas of the school and families are invited to contribute specified items. Please look out for boxes in the following areas and add to the box closest to your child’s classroom. Please give generously to support others in what can be a difficult time of the year. Thank you for your support.

Students in Years 3 ,4, 5, 6 - are asked to bring in items such as: Toiletries, such as shampoo, hairbrush, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lip balm, sunscreen, moisturisers, soap etc. Our box is located in the wet area! Please make sure that you have brought in your donated items by Monday 3rd December.

Design Technologies - We will be conducting an Egg Drop experiment in our D&T session on Friday. We will be using Kinder Surprise eggs not the real thing! Can you please check in with your child to see if they need any additional materials for Friday.

Taking Home Books - Please note, we will begin sending home work books next week. Do not fear...we will still keep working right up until the very end but we are very mindful of not saving it all to go home on the last day! If you can please make sure that your child brings an additional bag with them on Monday 3rd December!


Reading - If you can please make sure that your child is reading out loud to you each night. 

Spelling - Students are to complete a LCWC of their list words for the week.

Sight Words - If you can please work with your child to complete these every night if they are still working through them.

Mental Maths - Students are to complete their 10 x tables activity sheet. This is to be worked on over the week and will be marked on Friday morning.

Have a great week!


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