Week 9

Good afternoon parents,

I cannot believe that we are in the last week of Year Three for 2018... the whole year has  gone very fast and we have watched your children grow into beautiful, mature, capable and motivated students! Ihave loved working with them and have been an absolute pleasure to teach!


Vinny's DonationsOur tub is located in the wet area. If you can please make any small donation of toiletry items it will go a long way to helping make someone's Christmas very special. These hampers will be put together and handed over at assembly on Friday morning.

Books To Go Home - We ask the each child bring a green bag or plastic bag to school this week so they can take home their books from the year. 

Christmas Concert - On Wednesday at 5.30pm, the entire school will be getting together to celebrate the Year 6 Graduation, the Christmas concert performed by the Year 5's and each year group will be presenting the 2018 Making Jesus Real CARE award and the subject award for Design and Technology. 

This will be a brilliant night filled with glitter, Christmas cheer and some good old Christmas carols. We ask the you bring your child to the grassed area outside the hall by 5.15PM so the children can line up in their classes, ready to go into the hall.

Water Fun Day - As mentioned in the newsletter in week 7, we will be having a water fun day on the last Friday at school where we will be participating in a variety of water fun games...including a bouncy castle! 

This is a free dress day for the children and we ask that they bring/wear underneath their clothes - bathers, rashie, hats, towels, another change of clothes. All students are to come to school with sunscreen applied. We have some here and we will reapply before we go to our games. We are SO excited for our water fun day!

There will be a staff VS student netball game beginning at at 10am if you are able to hang around and give the staff some support! 

Reports - These will be given to your child on Friday at the end of the day. Please be aware that we are unable to hand these out any earlier. If you are picking your child up earlier than 3.05pm...we will post your report to you.

Homework - Please note there is no homework this week...we do however, fully support you declaring it's a week of home helping so put them to work and it is with our blessing!

Readers - If you can please check your child's bookshelves and bags and make sure that all readers are returned by Wednesday morning.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to email or pop in to see us! 

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Mr McSevich 


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