Week 2

Good afternoon and welcome to Week 2.
Hopefully everyone was able to enjoy the sun over the weekend.

Children have glued their spelling and reading logs into their homework books.  Please support your child to complete their 10 minutes reading per night and their spelling words. Students also have their mental maths  book in which to complete Unit 2 this week.  

If your child is struggling with their homework due to understanding, please let me know.  


Reconciliation Workshop - This will be held on Wednesday 13th February beginning at 5:30pm. This workshop includes activities that involve you and your child working together on a number of small activities.  Attendance at this meeting is compulsory for those students that are receiving this Sacrament. If you and your child are unable to attend, you will need to make an appointment with Fr Ian to go through the program.  If your child is not receiving the Sacrament, you and your child are more than welcome to join us.  Please let me know if you will be attending for catering and logistical purposes.

Reconciliation Commitment Mass - This will be held on Saturday 16th February at Our Lady of the Southern Cross Church beginning at 6pm.  Attendance is again compulsory for those students that are receiving the Sacrament.  If you are unable to attend, you will need to make arrangements with Fr Ian.  Once again if your child is not receiving the Sacrament, you are encouraged to join us.

Thanks for your ongoing support
Sean McSevich


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