Week 10

Good afternoon parents, Welcome to week 10 

This week we will continue Holy Week celebrations.  Holy Week is a very important time in the Catholic faith as we remember and celebrate the events leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection.

In literacy, we have moved from persuasive writing to narrative.  In maths, we are learning about 2d and 3d shapes. Today we have made our sundial watches, and as the pictures below show, our watches are pretty successful!

Easter Egg Raffle - Please make sure that you have brought in your donation for the raffle which will be held on Friday. Your child has been given their raffle tickets. If you would like to be in the raffle, please return one half of the tickets with your family name clearly written on each ticket and $5. I will be collecting the raffle tickets for 3Mc as this year we are having major prizes drawn for each year group.
All money raised during this time is donated to Project Compassion.
Each morning the whole school will be gathering together to reflect on the events of this important week. We will have a small and reverent reflection presented by each class in the hall every morning beginning at 9am.

Homework this week includes spelling, Mental math unit 10 and reading.


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