Term 2 Week 1

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome back to Term 2, I can't believe that we are here already! I hope the holidays have been a time to relax and reconnect with your families.  I know I also got many of the jobs done that I haven't been able to for a very long time!

As we head back into the structure of Term 2, I aim to provide a safe place for children to learn, whether it be at home or if they come to school.

  • The attached Learning schedule has links to all video's and activity sheets.  Please note I have also placed this learning schedule as my Wednesday announcement in Seesaw (find it in the inbox function 💬).
  • I will be using Seesaw, Studyladder, mathletics and reading eggspress as a means of assisting students in their learning by assigning tasks and checking on their progress.  All these apps provide the ability for me to check progress and many give immediate feedback to the student.
  • I will use seesaw for most of the tasks and you will see that where I have assigned the task in Seesaw, I have bolded the text on the learning schedule.  Seesaw will also by listing the tasks in order daily shown with the light bulb 💡 activity section of Seesaw.
  • I will release our daily announcements this week (through the inbox function 💬). This will be my daily check in as I can see who has viewed them. Please let us know if you are having issues accessing this.
  • I have made many videos to support the children's learning. As we cannot interact live via seesaw (and cannot use Zoom/Skype due to CEWA privacy regulations), I have recorded teaching videos for many of the tasks to help alleviate the support required from parents.  This should give you a break for at least 10 mins each task - yay! Please be aware that your child can watch the video as many times as they like to help them with their understanding.
  • All work will be viewed and marked with feedback via the Seesaw app and we will continue to monitor activities completed at the end of each week.
  • I have previously sent out log in details and links on how to access and use all these online platforms.  Should you require these details again, please do not hesitate to contact me.
  • Many of the worksheet have been chosen as the answers can be written directly into our home learning books.  Further, there are links in the activities on each day of the learning schedule to access the worksheets.  However, should you wish to print out all of the worksheets for the next three days, I have collated them here.

Please click here to access the week 1 term 2 learning schedule.

Please feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions during this time or you can ring the school during school hours.

Thanks for your ongoing support
Sean McSevich


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