Week 10 - holidays

Good morning Parents, 

Hopefully your past two weeks have not be too stressful and you have been able to enjoy some extra time with your children.  Now it is the school holidays, so have fun and enjoy some of this extra time.  You children are now on holidays so its time to have some fun.

Paula and I have been busily planning our learning to start next term and have decided that it would be best to have a scrapbook and an exercise book for us to collate our online learning. We have books ready for collection, however, please don't feel that you must collect them as this may not suit your circumstance.  Please feel free to use any similar books that you may already have at home. For those that need to collect books, we will have them ready to be collected through the Sloan Drive pick up area between 1-2 pm tomorrow ( Tuesday 7th April).  I will also leave a small collection outside the classroom for later collection should you need.

Mrs Murphy has included a materials packages for a D&T assignment she has set for next term in the goodies for collections from Sloan Drive. If you are unable to come at that time or would prefer not to then please let me know and I will send through the details regarding the Design and Technology project which will be for Week 1 and 2 of next term.

On Friday I sent out Seesaw log in details via email.  This platform will enable me to set learning tasks and provide feedback on collected work samples.  To the email with the log in details, I also attached links to a number of videos that I made providing instruction in how to use seesaw.  If your child hasn't done so, please encourage them to access seesaw and complete the set tasks.

I wish you all a very happy Easter and an enjoyable holiday.

Take care of each other.
Sean McSevich


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