Week 9

Good afternoon parents,Welcome (almost) to Week 9.  We are almost at the end of a very different yet interesting semester!

This week we are working on poetry, having completed our Persuasive writing unit.  We will be exploring a number of types of poems.  We will also be starting to to write our own poems, including inferring and chocolate Haiku!  In maths we are exploring perimeter and finishing our work on measurement. In science will be having an end of unit assessment and building our devices to slow the melting of an iceblock.

I have noticed that a few of the students are not bringing homework in on Fridays for me to check.  Further, there are a few who seem to be forgetting their books to set up on Mondays.  Please assist your child to remember to bring their books back to school on Fridays and leave them to reset on Mondays.  Homework this week will be as per previous weeks, with reading, spelling and mental maths to be signed on the homework grid.

Meals after Wheels
As I am sure you will have been told, Monday is our turn for wheels after meals (we are all VERY excited about this)! If you have not done so and wish for your child to take part, please send in the completed permission slip on Monday.  Students will need to bring their wheels (ie skateboard, rip stick, scooter etc.  Please no bikes) and appropriate safety gear will need to be worn to take part.

Pyjama day
On Friday afternoon, we received some wonderful news......Next Friday is Pyjama Day!! That means that for a small donation to Project Compassion, students can wear their pyjama's to school.  Please note that they will need to wear sneakers though, not slippers or ugg boots.

Cross Country
On Wednesday of Week 10 (the 1st of July) we have our annual our cross country carnival. We ask that your child come to school in their coloured faction shirt ready for the day. Mr Lee has sent out information on this event, with the carnival expected to be finished by recess time. 

Thanks for your ongoing support
Mr Mc


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