Term 3 week 2

Good evening and welcome to week 2.  Hopefully you enjoyed the glorious weather over the weekend!

As you may be aware, Mr Lee is unwell and recuperating at home at the moment. Please keep him in your thoughts as he recovers.  We look forward to seeing him back at school very soon. We made get well soon cards for him Friday, which were delivered over the weekend. From all accounts he was VERY appreciative!

This week we are continuing with our poetry unit, where we are learning how to write limericks. Fun to be had there I am sure! In maths we are working on the different ways we can show and use multiplication. In science we are going to be exploring the movement of materials between the states of matter as we add and remove heat.  

Reconciliation Commitment Mass
As per the message sent home last week by Mrs Meyer, this Friday 31st July we have a combined Reconciliation and Confirmation Commitment Mass in the hall at 10am. Where possible, for those receiving Confirmation, parents are required to attend and sit with their child during this mass. If you are unable to make it this Friday, you will need to attend another mass on one of the other weekends leading up to Confirmation. On this occasion, please see Father Francis before the mass to inform him that you are their for the Sacrament Commitment, this way he can carryout the blessing with the congregation.  If you could also let me know by email if you will be there for the Sacrament Commitment, I can let Fr know.

Homework this week includes the homework grid, reading, mental maths and a spelling list with the focus sound that we are learning. 

Before school Drop Off
At this point, we have been directed that restrictions of adults in the class will continue until instructed otherwise so Kiss and Drop will still remain. As school begins at 8.40 am, if your child arrives after this time, you will have to sign them in at the office. Further, in line with this, assemblies are still on hold, but I will provide as much notice as possible as to when they return.

Cross Country
For those students attending the interschool cross country carnival, a letter has been sent home with permission slips attached. The carnival is on this Thursday 30th July at Bunbury Grammar. Please check Mrs Sinclair's note for details on departure times and any items needed. There is a training session tomorrow morning at 7.50am on the school oval.

Dates to remember
OLC Open Night : Wednesday 26th August
OLC Athletics Carnival: Thursday 27th of August
Pupil Free Day: Friday 28th August
Catholic Day (Pupil Free Day): Monday 31st August
Photo Day: Thursday 10th and Friday 11th of September (This is a key date, some of the boys are already talking about hair cuts before the photos so that they can look their best!)

As always, thanks for your ongoing support and if you need any further information, please send me an email.

Sean McSevich


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