Week 3

Good afternoon and welcome to week 3.  It was great to see Mr Lee dropping in late last week for a few hours, the kids were very excited.

Congratulations to all those students who were selected to represent the school at the interschool cross country carnival last Thursday. Mr T was super impressed with the attitude and effort of all the students who attended.

Thank you to all who were able to attend our commitment mass last Friday.  Mrs Meyer and I were so impressed with how the children conducted themselves in Mass!  

Reconciliation Workshop - Tomorrow afternoon is our workshop for those students who will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation this year. The workshop will begin at 5:30pm in the Hall and includes activities that involve you and your child working together on a number of small activities.  Attendance at this meeting is compulsory for those students that are receiving this Sacrament. If you and your child are unable to attend, you will need to make an appointment with Fr Ian to go through the program.  If your child is not receiving the Sacrament, you and your child are more than welcome to join us.  Please let me know if you will be attending for catering and logistical purposes.

HomeworkHomework this week includes the homework grid, reading, mental maths and a spelling list with the focus sound that we are learning. 

RemindersBefore school Drop OffAt this point, we have been directed that restrictions of adults in the class will continue until instructed otherwise so Kiss and Drop will still remain. As school begins at 8.40 am, if your child arrives after this time, you will have to sign them in at the office. Further, in line with this, assemblies are still on hold, but I will provide as much notice as possible as to when they return.

Dates to rememberOLC Open Night : Wednesday 26th AugustOLC Athletics Carnival: Thursday 27th of AugustPupil Free Day: Friday 28th AugustCatholic Day (Pupil Free Day): Monday 31st AugustPhoto Day: Thursday 10th and Friday 11th of September (This is a key date, some of the boys are already talking about hair cuts before the photos so that they can look their best!)

As always, thanks for your ongoing support and if you need any further information, please send me an email.

Sean McSevich


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