Week 7

 Good afternoon parents, 

Just a few reminders from me for this week.

Please support your child by helping them remember their hats everyday and library bags on Thursdays.  I have also noticed that fewer people are changing their readers than I would like, so if your child has finished their books, remind them to swap them in the mornings.  I do remind them, but many appear to be leaving their readers at home.


It's that time of year that we participate in the 'Operation Christmas Child' shoe box initiative that has been a wonderful OLC tradition for many years and reflects our school value of Compassion so well. These shoe boxes are sent to underprivileged children throughout the world as a gift for Christmas. 

The children will be placed into in groups of four and between them, they will fill a shoe box with a variety of items. The items do not need to be expensive. Each child in the group will be asked to cover the cost of sending the shoe box to its final destination. We ask them to bring in $2.50 each. The children will be given time in the classroom to pack the shoe box and explore some of the places that their shoe boxes may be travelling to. 

Please see the flyer below for further information:

Operation Christmas Child Gift Ideas | Samaritan's Purse Australia | New  Zealand

Your child has been put into a group where they will need to bring a small item to place in a shoe box for either a boy or a girl aged 5-9 years old. I letter will come home today outlining what you should be sending in to school.  The shoe box will include: 

Items are to be no longer than 20 cm long and not too bulky as they will not fit in the shoe box. 

If you have any queries or concerns can you please contact me A.S.A.P, as the children will need to have their items in by the End of week 9 (Friday 16th September). I will have a box at the front of the classroom for all donations to be put into. Please tick your name off the list in the box when you have popped in your donation. 😍

Our first day of WWWW was yesterday! Well done to everyone that was able to provide amazing waste free lunches! I was very impressed with (and tempted to steal) some of the lunches! Thank you for being apart of this great initiative for the school where we can hopefully win an excursion! 

Our Wheelie, Walkie, Waste -Free Wednesdays will continue each Wednesday for 2 more weeks:

Week 8 (9th September)
Week 9 (16th September)

On the last day of school (Thursday the 24th of September) the children will be participating in our annual feast day - The assumption of Mary. Each class is asked run a stall. I have many ideas and am just waiting on confirmation of the stall we will have. I will send out details soon regarding this. 

These will take place on Thursday 10th September.  As our sport day is Thursday, please send you child in their formal winter uniform but place their sport shoes in their bags to change into at the appropriate time.

Following from the success of last term,Wheel after Meals will continue for Year 1, 2, and 3 students next Monday, 7th September, at lunch time in the top car park.  Students are welcome to bring their scooters, skateboards, roller skates/blades and all protective gear.  (Hemet is compulsory).  All the gear can be left at the back of Mr Lee’s office.



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