Week 8

Good afternoon and welcome to week 8

Today the children have brought home a research assignment.  The task is for them to create a fact file on a Major Australian Place, although I am happy with any place within Australia provided they can complete the fact file. They have brought home a task outline and a scaffold worksheet to assist them create the fact file.  Please note that if they already know enough about the place to complete the fact file without the research, I am more than happy for them to do so as the I am not looking at their research skills.  The purpose of this task is to work on their writing skills while giving them choice for their information report.  Please support your child in any way you can to complete the fact file and have this back in class by Thursday the 10th.

Mrs Meyer has sent out a link today with a schedule for Reconciliation.  Please, if your child is completing the Sacrament, at your earliest convenience can you access and record your name.

Don't forget that our Wheelie, Walkie, Waste -Free Wednesdays will continue each Wednesday for 2 more weeks, this week and next week (16th September).

On the last day of school (Thursday the 24th of September) the children will be participating in our annual feast day - The assumption of Mary. Each class is asked run a stall. I have many ideas and am just waiting on confirmation of the stall we will have. I will send out details soon regarding this. 

These will take place this Thursday (10th September).  As our sport day is Thursday, please send you child in their formal winter uniform but place their sport shoes in their bags to change into at the appropriate time.


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