Week 7


Wow, week 7!!

I will keep this blog brief but wanted to disseminate some information about our excursion this week. 


Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to help out Thursday.  Your help is greatly appreciated and I have emailed you details of the day.

Because we are visiting two sites for our excursion, we will be forming the two classes.  One class will visit Djiljit Mia while the other visits Discover Deadly.  The classes will then swap.  Students will travel to and from Discover Deadly by bus, while those at Djiljit Mia in the morning will walk to the site and the others will walk home from the site.  As such, students will need to carry their bags with lunch and drink bottles as they will eat lunch at Djiljit Mia.  They will also need to wear their hats.

I have asked students to wear their sport uniforms, not their faction shirts.  This makes seeing them quickly easy as they are all wearing the same clothing.  There will be no library swap or lunch orders this Thursday.

Dress rehearsal

Next Wednesday, 2nd December, we will have our dress rehearsal for our dance concert.  Please ensure your child brings their costume to school on that day.  If you are unsure of the costume, please see last weeks blog.


As we race towards the end of the year, please remember that we are following the routines we have already developed; the homework grid, reading, mental maths and a spelling list with the focus sound that we are learning. If you child does not have or needs to swap their readers, please encourage them to do so.

Library books

Our library day to swap books will continue to be on Thursday.  Please work with your child to remember their library bag on Thursdays as book appreciation and exchange is very important to help us progress our reading.

Important dates to remember

End of Year Christmas Concert - Tuesday 8th December (Further details to come)

Colour Run/Last Day of Term 4 - Friday 11th December.

As always, thanks for your ongoing support and if you need any further information please send me an email.

Sean McSevich


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