Welcome to Year 3

Hello and welcome Parents to the Year 3Mc blog

I hope you have been able to make the most of this amazing sunshine and the beautiful environment that we live in.  Hopefully you have had an opportunity to relax and are all refreshed ready for an amazing school year!

I am very much looking forward to the year ahead and getting to know your fabulous children.  Year three is a big year and one that I hope to help your children build a love of learning. 

A few important things for the start of Year Three: 

First day   

At present, COVID guidelines welcome adults onto school grounds, however parents are not yet allowed to enter the classrooms.  I will be welcoming the children at the classroom doors for Week 1. If you are concerned, then please email me before the first day.   

Class Blog
I will use this blog as the main form of communication for information over the coming year.  I will also send an SMS alerting you to the fact that I have published a new post, just so you don't miss the post.

All class stationery (pencils, crayons, scissors etc.) will need to be labelled with your child's name.  In year three we do not tend to share pencils and other stationary as we are responsible for our own supplies. 

Please ensure that all personal items (hats, drink bottles, lunch boxes, uniforms crunch & sip containers, etc) belonging to your child are labelled to avoid losing items! You would be surprised how often we find a rogue shoe around the place :) 

Term one is our Summer uniform: 
Girls - Summer dress with brown sandals or black school shoes with white socks.
Boys - White shirt, grey shorts with brown sandals or black school shoes with grey socks. Please see school website for more information. 

We will need to wear our sport uniform this semester on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Bell Times
Doors open: 8:30
Recess: 10:40 - 11:00am
Lunch: 1:00 - 1:40pm
End of School Day: 3:00pm

Gathering Time
Gathering time begins at 8:30am until 8:40am. Please ensure that your child is at school by 8.40am. 

Gathering time is an opportunity for your child to prepare themselves and settle into the day. Please note no new learning will take place in gathering time. 

Arriving After 8:40 am
If your child arrives at school after 8.40am, parents are required to attend the office first with your child to sign in and pick up a Late Pass.  Students will then proceed to class and hand the pass to the class teacher. 

Leaving Early
The school policy requires you to attend the office first to sign your child out and collect a Parent PassThis pass is then handed to the classroom teacher so that your child can be released. 

Homework, as with last year, will be based on the Ian Lilico homework grid. This grid will include Spelling, Reading and Mental Maths as well as other home related tasks. More information will follow in coming weeks. 

Crunch & Sip
Each morning we will stop for a Crunch & Sip break. The idea of Crunch & Sip is that the students have a short break to increase their energy levels, increase awareness about eating fruit and vegetables, as well as encouraging them to drink water and keep hydrated throughout the school day. You can refer to the Crunch & Sip website (www.crunchandsip.com.au) for specifics on a list of foods that can be packed for this time of the morning. Generally speaking, the list will include fresh fruit and vegetables (celery/carrot sticks, broccoli, chopped or whole fruit, as well as dried fruit). Please bring along a water bottle with your child's name on it and this can be placed on their desks along with their small container of fruit/vegetables. 

Canteen will run on Tuesdays & Thursdays & there will be a limited lunch time only menu on Fridays. If your child would like a lunch order, the easiest way I have found is through the online ordering system.  Alternatively, you or your child can order their lunch in person at the canteen before school. 

Students are welcome to purchase food and drink at recess without prior ordering. 

Teacher Contact
If you have any question or queries please don't hesitate to email me at sean.mcsevich@cewa.edu.au  

Have a restful and enjoyable weekend, before it all begins next week!
Looking forward to seeing all the wonderful faces and hearing of some holiday excitement.

Sean McSevich


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