Term 2 Week 1

Good afternoon and welcome back to term 2!!  Hopefully you had a restful and enjoyable break.  I was able to have a great time with my family, even getting to spend some time in Fremantle Prison, where some of the rooms have now been converted to accommodation.

This term is going to be busy here in 3M with us learning about persuasive texts, Heat and how it moves, data and statistics in Maths and completing our Reconciliation.


Homework will begin this week. Reading, mental maths, spelling and the homework grid are to be completed and handed in on Friday. I have also sent home some 4 times tables work and flash cards.  Please remember to sign your child’s homework. Home readers can be changed in the mornings, encourage your child to swap it at least once a week so that they have a new home reader.

Over the next week the students will be planning and writing their own persuasive texts. By Thursday, could the students please watch the following videos. Watching these and a quick discussion with you about them will help your child be ready and raring to go with our writing activities in class.




Canteen will be open this week. Please note that on Tuesday 27th April, the canteen will not be operating due to a Professional Development day being held at OLC.

Morning Drop off
Hi Classrooms are open from 8:30am. Students arriving at school before this time are required to sit quietly in the quadrangle area outside the office.

We have lots happening this term including Reconciliation, but here are a few reminders of important dates to remember for further into Term 2:
-  Reconciliation Parent Workshop Wednesday 28th April 2021
- Reconciliation Commitment Mass
- ANZAC day public holiday week 2 (Monday 26th April 2021)
- NAPLAN week 4 and 5 (10th May – 21st May 2021)
-  Wheels After Meals: students from 1-6 can bring in their scooters, rollerblades etc to roll around at lunchtime in the top carpark. (11th May 2021).

For the remainder of this week I will be on the Year 6 camp to assist in the running of the event. This means that I won't be in class, obviously, but the lovely Mrs O'Brien will be in to assist the children with their learning.

Enjoy the rest of the week

Mr McSevich


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