OLC Dance Concert


Hello Families! The OLC Dance Concert is on Friday, July 2nd Week 11 (last day of Term after lunch). Several students have mentioned they will be away on that day (or are unsure if they will be away). If you child WILL NOT be at school for the last day of term/ OLC Dance Concert please email ellie.haines@cewa.edu.au ASAP (if you haven't done so already). 

If your child/children will be performing please see the Dance Blog for all costume requirements: https://danceolc.blogspot.com/ Heading OLC Dance Concert Information. 

Year 5 & 6 Students involved in the OLC Dance Crew please see blog post with all information about the Bunbury Performance in Term 3. 

Thank you- all students are doing such an incredible job and I know you will be impressed by their dance moves! Ellie Haines 🙂


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