Week 10

Good afternoon 3Mc parents, 

Hopefully you survived the cold and rain.  Congratulations again to our Sacrament Candidates and prayer buddies. What a special night their First Reconciliation was and then our thanksgiving Mass on Saturday was Wonderful. 

This week the students will be delivering their oral presentations. The children have been busy writing and practicing ready for this, so I am really looking forward to the speeches on their books.

Dance Rehearsals

We have our full dress rehearsal tomorrow for dance in preparation for the OLC Dance Concert (OLC Dance Concert which is happening on the last day of school, Friday 2nd July Week 11 commencing at 1.40pm).  

Just a reminder about the costume requirements below. Please bring costume to school in a bag to get changed into with names on all items (please do not wear to school). All students please wear Sports Uniform Tuesday Week 10. We will be rehearsing in Sports uniform and then changing into dance costumes. For students who are not attending the Dance Concert they do not need to bring costumes 🙂 If you require any further information please email ellie.haines@cewa.edu.au  Thank you

3M- Summer Theme Costume Requirements:

-  Any bright summery outfit that students can dance in eg red, orange, pink, yellow, tie dye, Hawaiian etc to look like they are at the beach!
- Boardies or any colour shorts that stretch please (no skirts/dresses without shorts underneath). 
-   Bare feet
-  Optional Hat that stays on their head while dancing or hair neat and out of face. Students may wish to bring their hat to class to practice.

Science Project

During Science, the students will be completing their investigation this week (on stopping an ice block from melting) and will be required to bring in materials. Each student has been allocated a group and were asked to each arrange who was bringing in what materials. Note: Those few students who were away as they went home after Cross Country, I will talk to you tomorrow about what you should bring. 

Some items may include: 
-cotton wool/balls 

Our Character Strengths

This week our focus is Forgiveness. How can we encourage our children to be forgiving? 

Have a great week

Mr Mc


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