Week 9

Good afternoon 3Mc parents and welcome to week 9!

I hope you all had a wonderful weather over the weekend! In fact, Sunday was almost hot....well it was running around playing soccer anyway!!. 

Tomorrow evening (Tuesday) Candidates will be making their reconciliation. We have been practicing what to do and say for a while now, but the Candidates have brought home booklets to practice one last time.  The service will commence at 5 at the Our Lady of the Southern Cross church.  We will have a short prayer service, examination of conscience and then the students will have their turn to speak with Father and receive the Sacrament. This service is for Candidates, although prayer buddies are more than welcome to join us.

Thanksgiving mass
Saturday night is the Reconciliation Thanksgiving Mass.  This service is for Candidates and Prayer Buddies and is to celebrate those receiving the sacrament and those who have supported us and learned about Reconciliation.  After the Mass we are planning to share a light snack of pizza.  To assist with catering, can you please send me an email to let me know if you will be attending.

Cross Country 

Just a reminder that Cross Country is taking place this Thursday 17th of June. Students are to wear their faction shirt and are encouraged to wear zinc and bring teddies. We will make our way down to the oval at 9 am for a 9:15am start, with Year 3's starting proceedings.

Providing the weather stays good, we will stay out to watch the other competitors. Parents are most welcome to join us to watch, please note that the bottom gravel car park is unavailable. 

Wheels After Meals 
Students are invited to bring their skateboards and scooters to school for a roll around after lunch on Tuesday 15th of June. Please make sure they area also bringing appropriate safety equipment. All items are to be placed near Mr Lee's office.


Hi Families! You child is involved in a Dress Rehearsal next Tuesday, 22nd June (Week 10) to prepare for the OLC Dance Concert (OLC Dance Concert is happening on the last day of school, Friday 2nd July Week 11 commencing at 1.40pm).  

Please see the following costume requirements below. Please bring costume to school in a bag to get changed into with names on all items (please do not wear to school). All students please wear Sports Uniform Tuesday Week 10. We will be rehearsing in Sports uniform and then changing into dance costumes. For students who are not attending the Dance Concert they do not need to bring costumes 🙂 If you require any further information please email ellie.haines@cewa.edu.au Thank you!

3M- Summer Theme Costume Requirements:

-Any bright summery outfit that students can dance in eg red, orange, pink, yellow, tie dye, Hawaiian etc to look like they are at the beach!

-Boardies or any colour shorts that stretch please (no skirts/dresses without shorts underneath). 

-Bare feet

-Optional Hat that stays on their head while dancing or hair neat and out of face. Students may wish to bring their hat to class to practice.


We have returned to our normal homework schedule this week after a few short weeks disturbed our rhythm.  The link and password I sent home last week is still valid and can be used to practice our concept this week of ir for bird (unit 23).  The online games are fun and help students learn their words, with students able to select their list words in the games.

Character Strength

Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. This week we are looking for people who demonstrate Fairness. Can you encourage your child to show the following?

Thanks for your ongoing support,

Mr Mc 


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