Week 9 Term 4

Good evening 3Mc Parents.  
Hopefully you were able to enjoy the fab weather over the weekend and are ready for our last week.

We will start sending books home in the next day or so, so please send a spare bag or two to help with carrying your child's work.

I have not set homework this week, so please don't be surprised if your child says that they don't have any.  As always, reading is always a great option if you are looking for some homework.

Final week reminders

End of Year Christmas Concert - is on tomorrow night (Tuesday) beginning at 6pm. Students should be in class at 5:40pm and they will walk down with the rest of the class. Seats will be at a premium and it may get a bit breezy so plan ahead.

Library books and readers - You should have received a message from Mrs Kemp about checking for readers and library books at home.  Please do so to ensure that missing books are returned.

Colour Run - this will take place on Friday 10th December. This a free dress and we ask that you send in an extra white t-shirt for your child to change into.

Free dress for token award winners - This Thursday, Naturalist have earned the privilege of wearing free dress as they were the token award winners for this term. Well done!!

St Vincent De Paul Hampers - Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those local people in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. There are boxes in our classroom for your donations. These will be assembled Wednesday so please bring any items in by Wednesday morning at the latest.


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