Week 8

 Good afternoon Parents 

Welcome to week 8, an even shorter week than last week.  Hopefully you enjoyed a relaxing and fun filled long, long weekend.  

This week we are finalising our preparation for Reconciliation, with part of this being our prayer assembly this Friday (11th).  If your child will not be here, please let me know s that I can account for this in our practice and preparations.

We are also preparing for receiving the Sacrament next week and our celebration Mass next Saturday (19th).  As part of this, we are undertaking a liturgical movement for the Gospel and will be heading to the church in the next week to practice this (because practicing in the hall isn't quite the same!!).

With such a short week this week, homework this week include reading and spelling.  There won't be a mental maths strategy, but please use the flash cards sent home earlier this term to practice our times tables.

Just a few reminders this week

OLC Dance Concert - I put up a blog about the upcoming dance concert - here.  Mrs Haines also put a blog up about students that may be away on the last day of school.  If you have not already read the blog, please do so at https://danceolc.blogspot.com/.

Focus Character Strength - Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. This week we are looking for people who demonstrate Curiosity. Can you encourage your child to show the following?

Enjoy the remainder of the week.

Mr Mc


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